In MP, Chhattisgarh, there were fifteen-year-old BJP governments they had to change, in Rajasthan, the government has been changing for the past twenty-five years, therefore, this not a very big loss for BJP party
In MP, Chhattisgarh, there were fifteen-year-old BJP governments they had to change, in Rajasthan, the government has been changing for the past twenty-five years, therefore, this not a very big loss for BJP party. Some election analysts call that this is a semi final for lok Sabha election, it means a lot. Muslims united and voted for the Congress because the issue of the Babri Masjid was heated and the muslims wandered. Looking at the recent elections, it seems that this time, all the muslims have voted for the Congress together. Because of which the BJP has completely lagged behind as muslims probably turn all the dice into India's election. The reason for this is that this time the BJP has raised the issue of the Babri Masjid issue again. BJP wants the temple to be built as soon as possible. Muslims may be silent in case of divorce but in the matter of the temple mosque, the voters specially muslims go towards the Congress and it seems that this time muslims ha...